Can I use more than one promo code for the same order?
Unfortunately, you can only apply one promo code per order. If you have multiple codes, you’ll need to choose the one that gives you the best value for your purchase.
Unfortunately, you can only apply one promo code per order. If you have multiple codes, you’ll need to choose the one that gives you the best value for your purchase.
Absolutely!. If you missed entering your discount code at checkout, don't worry. Simply reach out to our customer support team with your order details and the discount code you intended to use. We'll do our best to assist you in applying the discount
At Ahava, we're dedicated to providing our customers with outstanding value for their purchases. One of our most popular promotions is the "SAVE50" or "BOGO50" deal, crafted to help you save on your favorite items while enjoying top-notch quality. He
Our promo codes can vary day by day so it is better to register to our newsletter and receive all updates on all promos or check the discount offer at our website before placing your order. At checkouts, you simply enter the promo or discount code, a
Ensure accurate code entry by using the correct combination of upper and lowercase letters. If the code doesn't work, please reach out to our customer service. They can assist in applying the code for you or provide a special code with an equivalent
Spinning the wheel is available for first-time customers only. If you happen to miss the gift products after spinning the wheel, simply contact our customer care. Once you have the details, you need to apply the code you received. In case the code do